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Compute forecasts and other information by applying forecastfun to subsets of the time series y using a rolling forecast origin.


  h = 1,
  level = c(80, 95),
  forward = TRUE,
  xreg = NULL,
  initial = 1,
  window = NULL,



Univariate time series.


Function to return an object of class "forecast". Its first argument must be a univariate time series, and it must have an argument h for the forecast horizon and an argument level for the confidence level for prediction intervals. If exogenous predictors are used, then it must also have xreg and newxreg arguments corresponding to the training and test periods, respectively.


Forecast horizon.


Confidence level for prediction intervals. If NULL, prediction intervals will not be generated.


If TRUE, the final forecast origin for forecasting is \(y_T\). Otherwise, the final forecast origin is \(y_{T-1}\).


Exogenous predictor variables passed to forecastfun if required. It should be of the same size as y+forward*h, otherwise, NA padding or subsetting will be applied.


Initial period of the time series where no cross-validation forecasting is performed.


Length of the rolling window. If NULL, a rolling window will not be used.


Other arguments are passed to forecastfun.


A list of class c("cvforecast", "forecast") with components:


The original time series.


The name of the series x.


Exogenous predictor variables used in the model, if applicable.


A character string "cvforecast".


The number of times the model is fitted in cross-validation.


Point forecasts as a multivariate time series, where the \(h\)th column holds the point forecasts for forecast horizon \(h\). The time index corresponds to the period for which the forecast is produced.


Forecast errors given by \(e_{t+h|t} = y_{t+h}-\hat{y}_{t+h|t}\).


A list containing lower bounds for prediction intervals for each level. Each element within the list will be a multivariate time series with the same dimensional characteristics as MEAN.


A list containing upper bounds for prediction intervals for each level. Each element within the list will be a multivariate time series with the same dimensional characteristics as MEAN.


The confidence values associated with the prediction intervals.


The matched call.


Whether forward is applied.

If forward is TRUE, the components mean, lower, upper, and model will also be returned, showing the information about the final fitted model and forecasts using all available observations, see e.g. forecast.ets for more details.


Let y denote the time series \(y_1,\dots,y_T\) and let \(t_0\) denote the initial period.

Suppose forward = TRUE. If window is NULL, forecastfun is applied successively to the subset time series \(y_{1},\dots,y_t\), for \(t=t_0,\dots,T\), generating forecasts \(\hat{y}_{t+1|t},\dots,\hat{y}_{t+h|t}\). If window is not NULL and has a length of \(t_w\), then forecastfun is applied successively to the subset time series \(y_{t-t_w+1},\dots,y_{t}\), for \(t=\max(t_0, t_w),\dots,T\).

If forward is FALSE, the last observation used for training will be \(y_{T-1}\).


# Simulate time series from an AR(2) model
series <- arima.sim(n = 1000, list(ar = c(0.8, -0.5)), sd = sqrt(1))

# Example with a rolling window of length 100
far2 <- function(x, h, level) {
  Arima(x, order = c(2, 0, 0)) |>
    forecast(h = h, level)
fc <- cvforecast(series, forecastfun = far2, h = 3, level = c(80, 95),
                 forward = TRUE, initial = 1, window = 100)
#> Cross-validation
#> Call:
#>  cvforecast(y = series, forecastfun = far2, h = 3, level = c(80,  
#>      95), forward = TRUE, initial = 1, window = 100) 
#>  fit_times = 901 (the forward step included) 
#> Forecasts of the forward step:
#>      Point Forecast     Lo 80    Hi 80     Lo 95    Hi 95
#> 1001      0.5217675 -0.752827 1.796362 -1.427557 2.471092
#> 1002     -0.1349178 -1.723101 1.453266 -2.563835 2.293999
#> 1003     -0.5149283 -2.103334 1.073477 -2.944185 1.914328
#> Cross-validation
#> Call:
#>  cvforecast(y = series, forecastfun = far2, h = 3, level = c(80,  
#>      95), forward = TRUE, initial = 1, window = 100) 
#>  fit_times = 901 (the forward step included) 
#> Forecasts of the forward step:
#>      Point Forecast     Lo 80    Hi 80     Lo 95    Hi 95
#> 1001      0.5217675 -0.752827 1.796362 -1.427557 2.471092
#> 1002     -0.1349178 -1.723101 1.453266 -2.563835 2.293999
#> 1003     -0.5149283 -2.103334 1.073477 -2.944185 1.914328
#> Cross-validation error measures:
#>        ME   MAE   MSE  RMSE    MPE    MAPE  MASE RMSSE Winkler_95 MSIS_95
#> CV -0.023 0.971 1.511 1.093 90.064 237.646 0.914 0.822      5.799   5.462

# Example with exogenous predictors
far2_xreg <- function(x, h, level, xreg, newxreg) {
  Arima(x, order=c(2, 0, 0), xreg = xreg) |>
    forecast(h = h, level = level, xreg = newxreg)
fc_xreg <- cvforecast(series, forecastfun = far2_xreg, h = 3, level = c(80, 95),
                      forward = TRUE, xreg = matrix(rnorm(2006), ncol = 2, nrow = 1003),
                      initial = 1, window = 100)