Compute prediction intervals and other information by applying the multistep-ahead conformal prediction (MCP) method. The method can only deal with asymmetric nonconformity scores, i.e., forecast errors.
- object
An object of class
. It must have an argumentx
for original univariate time series, an argumentMEAN
for point forecasts andERROR
for forecast errors on validation set. See the results of a call tocvforecast
.- alpha
A numeric vector of significance levels to achieve a desired coverage level \(1-\alpha\).
- ncal
Length of the burn-in period for training the scorecaster. If
rolling = TRUE
, it is also used as the length of the trailing windows for learning rate calculation and the windows for the calibration set. Ifrolling = FALSE
, it is used as the initial period of calibration sets and trailing windows for learning rate calculation.- rolling
, a rolling window strategy will be adopted to form the trailing window for learning rate calculation and the calibration set for scorecaster if applicable. Otherwise, expanding window strategy will be used.- integrate
, error integration will be included in the update process.- scorecast
, scorecasting will be included in the update process.- lr
Initial learning rate used for quantile tracking.
- Tg
The time that is set to achieve the target absolute coverage guarantee before this.
- delta
The target absolute coverage guarantee is set to \(1-\alpha-\delta\).
- Csat
A positive constant ensuring that by time
, an absolute guarantee is of at least \(1-\alpha-\delta\) coverage.- KI
A positive constant to place the integrator on the same scale as the scores.
- ...
Other arguments are passed to the function.
A list of class c("mcp", "cpforecast", "forecast")
with the following components:
- x
The original time series.
- series
The name of the series
.- method
A character string "mcp".
- cp_times
The number of times the conformal prediction is performed in cross-validation.
Point forecasts as a multivariate time series, where the \(h\)th column holds the point forecasts for forecast horizon \(h\). The time index corresponds to the period for which the forecast is produced.
Forecast errors given by \(e_{t+h|t} = y_{t+h}-\hat{y}_{t+h|t}\).
A list containing lower bounds for prediction intervals for each
. Each element within the list will be a multivariate time series with the same dimensional characteristics asMEAN
A list containing upper bounds for prediction intervals for each
. Each element within the list will be a multivariate time series with the same dimensional characteristics asMEAN
.- level
The confidence values associated with the prediction intervals.
- call
The matched call.
- model
A list containing information abouth the conformal prediction model.
If mean
is included in the object
, the components mean
, and upper
will also be returned, showing the information
about the test set forecasts generated using all available observations.
Similar to the PID method, the MCP method also integrates three modules (P, I, and D) to
form the final iteration. However, instead of performing conformal prediction
for each individual forecast horizon h
separately, MCP employs a combination
of an MA\((h-1)\) model and a linear regression model of \(e_{t+h|t}\) on
\(e_{t+h-1|t},\dots,e_{t+1|t}\) as the scorecaster. This allows the MCP method
to capture the relationship between the \(h\)-step ahead forecast error and
past errors.
Wang, X., and Hyndman, R. J. (2024). "Online conformal inference for multi-step time series forecasting", arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.13115.
# Simulate time series from an AR(2) model
series <- arima.sim(n = 1000, list(ar = c(0.8, -0.5)), sd = sqrt(1))
# Cross-validation forecasting
far2 <- function(x, h, level) {
Arima(x, order = c(2, 0, 0)) |>
forecast(h = h, level)
fc <- cvforecast(series, forecastfun = far2, h = 3, level = c(80, 95),
forward = TRUE, initial = 1, window = 100)
# MCP setup
Tg <- 1000; delta <- 0.01
Csat <- 2 / pi * (ceiling(log(Tg) * delta) - 1 / log(Tg))
KI <- 2
lr <- 0.1
# MCP with integrator and scorecaster
mcpfc <- mcp(fc, ncal = 100, rolling = TRUE,
integrate = TRUE, scorecast = TRUE,
lr = lr, KI = KI, Csat = Csat)
#> MCP
#> Call:
#> mcp(object = fc, ncal = 100, rolling = TRUE, integrate = TRUE,
#> scorecast = TRUE, lr = lr, Csat = Csat, KI = KI)
#> cp_times = 898 (the forward step included)
#> Forecasts of the forward step:
#> Point Forecast Lo 80 Hi 80 Lo 95 Hi 95
#> 1001 0.4017819 -1.008844 1.8922847 -1.697094 2.847633
#> 1002 -0.4626032 -2.105623 0.7519256 -3.438290 1.268516
#> 1003 -0.6132015 -2.668811 0.7953972 -3.570173 1.515044
#> MCP
#> Call:
#> mcp(object = fc, ncal = 100, rolling = TRUE, integrate = TRUE,
#> scorecast = TRUE, lr = lr, Csat = Csat, KI = KI)
#> cp_times = 898 (the forward step included)
#> Forecasts of the forward step:
#> Point Forecast Lo 80 Hi 80 Lo 95 Hi 95
#> 1001 0.4017819 -1.008844 1.8922847 -1.697094 2.847633
#> 1002 -0.4626032 -2.105623 0.7519256 -3.438290 1.268516
#> 1003 -0.6132015 -2.668811 0.7953972 -3.570173 1.515044
#> Cross-validation error measures:
#> CV 0.002 0.908 1.293 1.025 139.64 242.222 0.922 0.839 5.548 5.646